Growth of cells in the body is controlled in an orderly and systematic manner. Uncontrolled growth of cells results in eye cancer. This can occur in or outside the eye.
There are basically two main types of eye cancer: Those that occur in the eye, known as intraocular. These include Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (usually develops in the lymph nodes but sometimes develops in the eye), Ocular melanoma (rare and most common in older people over 50 years) and Retinoblastoma (usually common in children under 5 years and is inherited).  Those that occur outside the eye, known as extraocular. These include Non-melanoma skin cancers (develops on the lower eye lid), Rhabdomyosarcoma (rare and common in children and infects the muscles that control the eye) and Squamous cell carcinoma (to be found on the surface of the eyeball, though it is rare).
There are varied signs or symptoms of eye cancer but these depend on the type and location. Intraocular eye cancers rarely show signs and they are normally detected when eye examination is carried out. Extraocular eye cancers show sign such as flashing lights in vision, a visible lump on eyelid, a black spot on the iris, swelling of the eye and loss of some vision and odd-looking pupil especially in children. Some risk factors increase the chance of having eye cancer. Such are: Over-exposure to UV rays, a weak immune system, Lack of vital minerals, and nutrients, Poor hygiene.
Eye cancer can be treated but this will depend on the type of eye cancer, extent of its spread and the general state of ones health. Treatment can take the form of surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Most types of eye cancer can be easily avoided by eating vegetables rich in minerals and nutrients that the eye requires to perform effectively (kale, spinach, and cabbages) and by keeping high standards of hygiene.